شبكة انا حلمي غير

اهلا وسهلا بك عزيزى الزائر لرؤية محتويات المنتديات
يتوجب عليك التسجيل
سنكون سعداء بذلك

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

شبكة انا حلمي غير

اهلا وسهلا بك عزيزى الزائر لرؤية محتويات المنتديات
يتوجب عليك التسجيل
سنكون سعداء بذلك

شبكة انا حلمي غير

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

برامج . العاب . برمجه . تعلم . دورات . فضفضه . والكثير

    افتراضي Windows XP Angelical Edition v2 .

    .* SanTemO *.
    المـــــــ العام ــــــــدير
    المـــــــ العام ــــــــدير

    عدد المساهمات : 1097
    تاريخ التسجيل : 01/09/2009
    العمر : 34

    افتراضي  Windows XP Angelical Edition v2  . Empty افتراضي Windows XP Angelical Edition v2 .

    مُساهمة من طرف .* SanTemO *. الجمعة سبتمبر 04, 2009 9:11 am

    [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

    This it is the New operating system created by expert people in Windows neglected

    One is a neglected Windows XP (it does not need intervenciòn the user
    to settle), cuàl has effects better than the Vista Ultimate Edition but
    with a smaller consumption of memory, because it is a XP.

    Photos of the Operating system (Increìbles Graphical Effects)

    they have managed to desanteder instalaciòn of the XP, to lighten it
    and to add effects to him better than the Vista Windows, to the point
    that is màs attractive to the eyes much.

    in post of presentaciòn of this new XP Angelica Edition v2
    But that better than to put the appreciations of the creator
    I copy textual .....


    For All the Lovers of Xp Windows,
    Revolucion Unattended Now counts on its version of Windows Xp Tuneado
    and Desatendido more applications is called: .:: Angelical Windows::.

    Between Some Caracteristecas Incredible Tenemos Effects 3D

    Original effect of Revolucion Unattended.

    In a Maximum of 40 Minutes tendres your Windows and the Programs Installed.

    It counts on Neglected Programs Such as

    1 -. Net Framework 1.1
    2 -. Net FrameWork 2.0
    3 - Ad-Aware Pro
    4 - Adobe Reader 7.0.8
    5 - Corporative alcohol 120%
    6 - Plow 2.0.8
    7 - Damn NFO Viewer
    8 - DVD Shrink
    9 - Everest Ultimate Edition 3.50.761
    10 - Mozilla Firefox
    11 - GMail Drive 1.0.10
    12 - Google Toolbar 4
    13 - ImageShack QuickLoad 1.0.36
    14 - Internet Explorer 7 (one settles automatically)
    15 - Java
    16 - K-Lite Codec Pack Full
    17 - Windows Live Messenger 8.1
    18 - Nero Burning Rom Lite
    19 - NOD32 Antivirus System 2.70.23
    20 - Microsoft Office 2003 SP2
    21 - Bulging
    22 - Sounds
    23 - 7 Power DVD Lite
    24 - QuickTime Alternative 1.76
    25 - TopDesk
    26 - Task Switch
    27 - TuneUp Utilities 2007
    28 - Unlocker
    29 - uTorrent 1.6.1
    30 Windows Average Player 11
    31 - Winamp 5,33 Pro
    32 - Windows To defend
    33 - WinRAR 3,70 + Subject
    34 - Emulate


    35 - To activate To recover System

    Account with effects such as flip 3d and the previous Vista of the windows; presents in Vista Windows.

    Thanks to Bj (use the utility to change password that created)

    In Its Form Full and Desatendida.

    Minimum resources 128MB of RAM 32MB of Video.
    Recommended 256MB of RAM 64MB of Video

    Optional 128MB of RAM 16 of VIDEO (This is that by the effect 3D)

    Others: Tweaks
    Some Characteristics:

    Good For For being Sincere the Windows It is 100% Functional one As to
    describe Each Characteristic then they are not Many. Between simple
    things that I decide to me.

    • the Network Has improved
    • But Compatibility of Programs of 16Bits
    • 100% Tuneado
    • The Letters of the Units now estan before the Eje name: (C: ) Angelical Windows
    • You can write in the bar of direction of the Explorer de Internet “g
    google”. and it is the same as if you looked for google in the finder
    of google jaja.
    • the Icons Are Small
    • Has added the Control Panel and the Wastebasket In My PC
    • Bonds in the menu of Beginning Have been added
    • Trae Bottoms of Vista Windows
    • Effects of the bar of Tasks and the Effect of Windows 3D
    • Legal Corporative License
    • UXTheme - modified UXTheme.dll to support subjects nonsigned.
    • 80,000 connections you synchronize without finishing (before 10)
    • SFC Deshabilitado - deshabilitada file protection of systems
    • Without minimum requirements for the installation
    • Prefetch Cache - starting
    • IIS - Internet Information Server available
    • Installable in any partition (According to I All hize so that C was not needed: but not this totally verified)
    • Not but problems with blue pantallazos (BSOD)
    Deactivated • OEM
    • Restaurar deactivated System but can be activated Manually
    • Firewall Windows - deactivated
    • wpi new
    • WPI now with progress bar - it will be able to see what lacks to finish the installation
    • WPI now works in resolution 800x600 and the installation of Windows Also
    • Some registries are cleaned after the installation
    • Cleaning automatically after the installation (temp)
    • Option To change the password of Windows after Finalizing WPI.


    • Not to clear the disc of Angelical Windows until finalize the WPI
    • Single Installs the necessary thing
    • Pardon By So Few Programs but is the unique thing that I see useful.
    • not to have any other disc of Windows during the installation
    • The Internet Explorer Settles After Initiating Session Second You see
    (bony the continuous resumption to when the WPI is finalized)
    • The License is Legal and Serves with the New WGA
    • Acceptance that tapeworm Desire Not to neglect applications so it uses of the Xp Windows uE 6 of Bj
    • you plow habre automatic when cierrenlo settles in wpi single and
    ready. since a function of you plow is to open itself as soon as the
    installation settles (and not could clear that) equal follows single if
    they close you plow or no, does not matter)

    رابط تحميل اللينكات

    [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو الثلاثاء ديسمبر 10, 2024 12:28 am